
1st Freeport Scout Troop
Jamie Leggot
Cindy Elliott
11th Kitchener Scout Troop
Ted Claxton
Viet Truong
30th Kitchener Scout Troop
John McCuish
Mark Wilson
38th Kitchener Scout Troop
Nick Ebner
10th Waterloo Scout Troop
Neil Craig
Mike Smith
21st Waterloo Scout Troop
Liam Morland
Resource Persons
Tony Skells, 1st Centennial Group



Liam opened the meeting at 19:05.

Owen Sound Winter Camporee — January 27-29, 2006

Ted and Liam reported on the recent Owen Sound Winter Camporee. The camporee was excellent as usual, with many competitive events. Despite the warm weather, there was enough snow for a proper winter camp. Ted suggested that a campfire should be added to the program. The Saturday evening program was an OHL hockey game.

Spring Thaw Scouters' Social — April 11, 2006

For the Spring Thaw Scouters' Social, Pierre Michiels and Tony will provide sausages. Salads, desserts, etc. will be pot-luck. People will start gathering at 17:30. Dinner will be at 18:30, followed by a campfire at 19:30. Liam encouraged everyone to bring a new song or skit; one that we haven't all seen many times.

Chief Scout's Award Interviews

Ted estimates that there are 6-8 candidates for the Chief Scout's Award in North Waterloo this year. Scouters felt that Sunday, April 23 would be a good date to interview the candidates. Ted, Mark, and Liam volunteered to participate. More volunteers are welcome. [Jim Williamson indicated later that he is not available on April 23 and would prefer April 30.]

North Waterloo Area Executive Team

Ted reported on a meeting that had been called by Area Commissioner Jim Williamson regarding the structure of North Waterloo Area. Each section is to have a representative to the Area Executive Team. This person is responsible for facilitating communication between the Area Team and the section and for representing the section's interests at meetings of the Area Team. Jim temporarily appointed Ted to the position. At the next meeting of the Club, a person will be elected to fill this role.

Scouting 2007

Tony reported on the progress of the local patrol of the 1st Centennial Group in planning a celebration for the 100th Anniversary of Scouting on August 1, 2007. They are proposing a camp-out, sunrise ceremony, and community breakfast, probably at Columbia Lake Conservation Area. The event will be open to Scouting groups, families, and the general public. Centennial Group hopes to get many local Scouters involved in running the event.

NWSC Spring Camporee — May 26-28, 2006

The group discussed the Spring Camporee.

Morning program events:

The afternoon program will be a mass pioneering project and competition. Each troop will build a catapult. There are 150 spars at camp. Each troop must bring their own rope.

The evening program will include the auction, campfire, Karaoke, and a cook-off/dessert buffet.

[Kevin Donovan indicated after the meeting that 75-100 Girl Guides will be camping in the field by the Scout parking lot on the Camporee weekend.]

[Please see the 2006 Camporee Plan.]

Patrol Leadership Training

Liam made a presentation about the patrol leadership training program that he has used with his troop. The program is based on the Scoutmaster's Junior Leader Training Kit, published by the Boy Scouts of America. Each segment of the training program consist of a short video that introduces a leadership concept, an activity that puts the concept to work, and a reflection in which the Scouts reflect upon the leadership concept. Sample questions to get this discussion going are provided in the kit. The program is designed for frequent changes in pace from video to active to discussion which help to keep interest. The program is designed to run as a day event, taking 6.5 hours, including a one hour service project.

The group watched a video segment then discussed the program. Scouters thought that it looked like a good program. It can be expanded upon and added to to create a weekend-long program.

Evaluation of Meeting

Scouters felt good progress had been made at the meeting. Getting a good turnout of people is an on-going challenge. It was suggested that meetings could include an active component, like a challenge, or guest speakers, such as a representative of the GRCA speaking about conservation projects.


The meeting was adjourned at 21:34. The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 9, 2006 at North Waterloo Scout House.

—Minutes prepared by Viet Trung and Liam Morland.

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