The NW Scouters' Club is a co-operative of Scout Troops. Representatives of member Scout Troops gather to share ideas and experience, plan joint activities, and pursue other projects of mutual benefit.
The meeting opened at 19:05. Liam warmed everyone up with an action song. The gathering rose and recited the Scout Law. Introductions were made around the table.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written. Liam mentioned that the minutes are available on the Club web site. Also available on the site is a page of nearby Woodbadge training opportunities, and a map and contact information for several nearby Scout camps.
The winter camp at Camp Everton was discussed at length. Four troops will participate with a total of 25-30 Scouts. Liam gave a short lesson on quinzhee construction and will do the same at camp. Troops should bring small tarps, firewood, and shovels. Small shovels with short handles are excellent for digging out quinzhees.
Wheeler Lodge (the barn) will be available as a headquarters. The kitchen can be kept warm with the stove. Ted will investigate ways to heat the large downstairs room. Hot water will be kept available in the kitchen. Troops wishing to come up on Friday may set up tents in the new wood shed, use Wheeler Lodge, or stay in Adirondacks. The 4th & 17th Waterloo have booked Seneca and Oneida Adirondacks (near the east pump). Troops should book as their use of Camp Everton as if they were tenting. Straw is available from Camp Everton for $2 per bale. Paul Frieberger (Camp Ranger) will bring some plastic kybos to near the barn.
Brian and Liam talked briefly about Haliburton Scout Reserve (HSR). A short video of the camp was shown.
The 4th & 17th Waterloo and 1st Waterloo will be camping at HSR on August 4-11, 2001. Brian has booked Bedford Park site the same week and would like to give that booking to any troop that can use it. Please contact Brian as soon as possible if interested.
The 16th, 18th, & 20th Waterloo will be on Big Bear Point on August 18-25. Several other sites are available that week. The 31st Kitchener and 17th Cambridge are interested in this date. Liam offered to help troops plan their camp. Any troops interested or who would like more information should contact Liam as soon as possible.
The meeting was closed at 21:10. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at 18:45 at NWD Scouthouse.
—Minutes prepared by Brian Robertson and Liam Morland.