The NW Scouters' Club is a co-operative of Scout Troops. Representatives of member Scout Troops gather to share ideas and experience, plan joint activities, and pursue other projects of mutual benefit.
—Minutes prepared by Rob MacDonald.
—Minutes prepared by John Bain
—Minutes prepared by John Bain
The next meetings will be Tuesday, January 6, 2009, Wednesday, March 4, and Thursday, May 7, all at 19:00 at North Waterloo Scout House.
—Minutes prepared by John Bain
The next meeting will be Monday, October 6, 2008 at 19:00 at North Waterloo Scout House.
—Minutes prepared by Ken Coyle
The meeting was adjourned at 20:00. The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 26. 2008. IT will be a Summer Pot Luck at Camp Mohawk.
—Minutes prepared by John Bain
The meeting was adjourned at 21:30. The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 26. 2008. IT will be a Summer Pot Luck at Camp Mohawk.
—Minutes prepared by John Bain
The meeting was adjourned.
—Minutes prepared by John Bain
The meeting was adjourned at 20:30. Upcoming meetings:
—Minutes prepared by John Bain
The meeting was adjourned at 21:30. Upcoming meetings:
—Minutes prepared by John Bain
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton
—Minutes prepared by Ken Coyle
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Viet Trung and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Viet Truong and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Viet Truong and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Viet Truong and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
The meeting was closed at 16:45. The next meeting will be March March 23, 2003 at 14:00 at Forest Hills United Church.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
The meeting was closed at 21:00. The next event is the Canoe Trip, June 22-23.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
The meeting was closed at 21:00. A short business session will be held at the Ice Breaker to find out who will be in attendance at the Patrol Leaders' Weekend and Fall Camp. The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 18:45 at NWD Scouthouse. Major topic will be planning for the NWSC Winter Camp. Suggestions for a Pentagon topic are invited.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
The meeting was closed at 21:15. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 at 18:45 at NWD Scouthouse.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
The meeting was closed at 21:10. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 18:45 at Historic St. Paul's Church, 137 Queen St. S, at Church St. The theme is games.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
The meeting was closed at 21:15. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 10, 2001 at 18:45 at NWD Scouthouse.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.
The meeting was closed at 21:10. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at 18:45 at NWD Scouthouse.
—Minutes prepared by Brian Robertson and Liam Morland.
The meeting was closed at 21:07. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 18:45 at NWD Scouthouse in the Library.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.