The NW Scouters' Club is a co-operative of Scout Troops. Representatives of member Scout Troops gather to share ideas and experience, plan joint activities, and pursue other projects of mutual benefit.
Scouters discussed possible activities for a cooking/food theme, some of which need to be fleshed out:
Scouters should register their Scouts soon since 16 Scouts are needed to make the event financially viable. Ted, Pierre Michiels, Ken Arnett, Mark Wilson, and John McCuish have indicated that they would like to help with the event.
The route from Manitou Scout Camp to Mount Nemo Scout Camp is 14.5 km or 16.0 km. If hiked in this direction, the potential savings of 1.5 km happens near the end. A rough section of the trail is substituted with a gravel road. This might be welcome to Scouts for whom the hike is challenging. Scouters had a preference for the Mount Nemo route. Ted will see about making a booking.
Ted has been involved with the Everton Summer Camp for 12 years. Ted described the current situation with the Everton Summer Camp. The camp used to be run by North Waterloo District. With the restructuring, Ted has been left with whole responsibility. This creates a single point of failure and doesn't sufficiently involve Scouters in planning their troop's summer program. Ted would like to see the Everton Summer Camp evolve into a larger program with more people involved, particularly the Club. The advantage of the Everton Summer Camp is that its program and quartermaster arrangements are more structured, thereby requiring less planning on the part of the individual troops. Ted would like to discuss theme and program matters at the next meeting to get things rolling for the 2006 season.
—Minutes prepared by Liam Morland.