
11th Kitchener Scout Troop
Ted Claxton
30th Kitchener Scout Troop
John McCuish
38th Kitchener Scout Troop
Nick Ebner
Pierre Michiels
9th Waterloo Scout Troop
John Bain
21st Waterloo Scout Troop
Jay Treacy
Liam Morland
Resource Person
Ed Wright, Scouter-at-Large



Scouters attended the 3Rs pot-luck, social and campfire at Camp Mohawk. At 20:00, after the campfire was concluded, the Club met. Minutes of previous meeting revised to show that Ed Wright was in attendance.

Introduction to Scouting Day — October 1, 2005

Scouters decided to have four 40 minute sessions on the morning, four 30 minute sessions in the afternoon, and a hour for lunch.

Morning Sessions

Afternoon Sessions

Patrol Leadership Workshop — November 4-6, 2005

Pierre presented the final report of the 2004 NWSC Patrol Leadership Workshop:

A total of 30 youth participated, representing 13 groups in our district. We had a staff of five plus about four leader helpers. The youth were divided into four patrols. The Emu Patrol had seven Scouts, the Cheerio Patrol had eight, the Evil Penguin Patrol had seven, and the Zulu Patrol had eight. The patrols were well balanced and as a whole worked well as units. We experienced some discipline problems which out staff dealt with effectively. The instructional staff provided an interesting and informative program. They made great efforts to conduct the session outdoors. By the youths' indication, it was very enjoyable.

Ted Claxton, Mark Wilson, and myself provided the sessions. Vince Simon and John McCuish judged the youth's participation and co-operation which helped us provide the appropriate recognition to the youth.

Ken Arnet served as the quartermaster for the weekend in addition to providing invaluable help in the kitchen. Our principle cook was Alex Krynicki, a Venturer with the 38th Kitchener. We all enjoyed the great meals.

Participant fees (30 x $35)$1050.00
Rental of Wheeler Lodge$200.00

The $35 fee can remain if we can continue to have a minimum of 16 participants.

Scouters discussed various aspects of the weekend program. Liam and Jay described a PL training program that they have been using in their troop. The program, which is designed specifically for Scouts, uses a series of modules. Each module consists of a short video segment, a related activity, and a discussion of the leadership experiences of that module. The entire program take six and a half hours, including a lunch activity and an hour-long service project. This program could be part of the full weekend PL training. The group decided to discuss PL training in more detail at the January meeting as the Pentagon session.

Pierre will coordinate this year's PL workshop. All Scouters are invited to attend and assist with the program. Ted will create the flyer and application and post it at NW Scout House. The completion of the Event Planning Form will be expected. Scouters should remind their Scouts that Wheeler Lodge is not heated and that they must come prepared for cold weather.

NWSC Fall Hike — November 18-20, 2005

The Fall Hike will be November 18-20. The route will be chosen at the next meeting. One suggestion is to camp at Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area on Friday and visit caves while hiking to Camp Manitou on Saturday. Troops could come for the weekend or the day.

NWSC Spring Camporee — May 26-28, 2006

The theme will be discussed at the next meeting. Ed Wright probably knows themes from past years which could be repeated.

Owen Sound Winter Camporee — January 27-29, 2006

The Owen Sound Winter Camporee information and application package have been posted on their web Site.

First Aid Course

Scouter Liam is working to organizing a St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid course for Scouts 13 and older. The costs will likely be $60. If you have Scouts who would attend, please contact Liam. A minimum of 12 is required for the course to take place.


The meeting was adjourned at 21:05. The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at North Waterloo Scout House.

—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.

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