The NW Scouters' Club is a co-operative of Scout Troops. Representatives of member Scout Troops gather to share ideas and experience, plan joint activities, and pursue other projects of mutual benefit.
The meeting was called to address the following motion put moved by Ted Claxton, seconded by Cindy Elliot:
Next year will be the 75th Anniversary of the North Waterloo District/Area.
The Area Team would like to hold a special event at Camp Everton on the weekend of the Camporee. That event would be open to everyone. It may be that the Area Team will ask if the Cub section could revise their Cuboree date so that both events happening on the Everton Celebration weekend. The Area Team will also be looking into the other sections participating in the event.
I am giving notice of a Special Meeting of the NWSC to be held Saturday the 24th of May 2008 in the evening after 21:00h (9:00 p.m.). The topic of the Special Meeting will be to consider participation in the 75th Anniversary event by incorporating our Camporee weekend into the celebration.
Be it resolved that The NW Scouters' Club should accommodate the North Waterloo Area by having a 75th Anniversary event Everton in conjunction with and during the Camporee Weekend in 2009.
The Scouters discussed the proposed resolution in detail. The issues raised were as follows:
Motion unanimously approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 21:30. The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 26. 2008. IT will be a Summer Pot Luck at Camp Mohawk.
—Minutes prepared by John Bain