
11th Kitchener Scout Troop
Ted Claxton
1st Waterloo Scout Troop
Phil Schmidt
4th & 5th Waterloo Scout Troop
Mark Carruthers
9th Waterloo Scout Troop
John Bain
10th Waterloo Scout Troop
Mike Smith
21st Waterloo Scout Troop
Liam Morland
Resource Persons
Nick Ebner, Scouter-at-Large
Pierre Michiels, Scouter-at-Large


Rod Beattie is now a Venturer Adviser.


Liam opened the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Kevin Harrington, the new North Waterloo Area Commissioner, introduced himself and briefly listened to issues raised by members.

Patrol Leadership Workshop — November 3-5, 2006

The members discussed the Patrol Leadership Workshop. 14 participants are expected. Ted will arrange for the TV/VCR at camp.

Fall Hike — November 17-19, 2006

The following troops are expected: 9th Waterloo, 11th Kitchener, 21st Waterloo, 1st Waterloo, and 14th Waterloo. Camp of the Woodland Trails is not available. Ted will arrange for camping at Camp Manitou including use of the picnic shelter for the Saturday Pot Luck. The hike will be from Camp Manitou to Rattlesnake Point Conservation area, where the Scouts can do caving. Some Scouters will supervise caving while the car shuttle is arranged.

North Waterloo Camporee — May 25-27, 2007

The members in attendance discussed the theme. Many events will be using the 100th anniversary of Scouting theme. The camporee theme will be the 150th anniversary of BP's birth. Scouters should think about BP-related events for the next meeting. Scouters must remember that the Camporee is run by the Club members. Those responsible for each event should be picking the site for it and ensuring that everything necessary is on hand.

Owen Sound Winter Camporee — January 26-28, 2007

The Club briefly discussed having a North Waterloo sub-camp with local troops camping together. No decision was made.

Club Volunteers

Mike Smith was prepared to stand for the position of Chair. By consensus of the members, he has been elected as Chair of the NW Scouters' Club.


There will be Woodbadge II training over two weekends in the spring. For information, see the North Waterloo Area web site.

Mention was made of an opportunity provided by the Waterloo legion. Each October, they organize a youth Remembrance Night with veterans.

The Pentagon topic for the next meeting will be Winter Camping Tips.


The meeting was adjourned at 21:15. The next meeting will be Thursday, December 7, 2006 at North Waterloo Scout House.

—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.

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