January 27, 2010
Organizational Issues

Proposal for Scouters' Club Meeting Dates

Consensus that forward-planned dates by week is most convenient. Accept: Proposed Meeting and Event Schedule for North Waterloo Scouters' Club pending below Action. Action: Rob to review September and January dates for conflict with holidays and to revise schedule table to include exception statement.

NW Scouters' Club General Discussions

November 3, 2009
Report by Rob MacDonald, Chair

We are exploring the possibility of implementing a Google calendar on the NWSC web site, similar to the one now up and running on the NW web site. The idea is to facilitate planning amongst NW Troops, such as joint camping ventures, etc. Look forward to further information on this initiative.

September 11, 2009
Report by Rob MacDonald, Chair

February 11, 2009
Club Chair

Rob MacDonald of 11th Kitchener volunteered to succeed Ken as Club Chair and was so elected.

January 6, 2009
Organizational Issues

Call List

The plan is to have everyone called before Club meetings. Currently there are three callers and we are looking for a fourth. Phil Dick, 1st Maryhill volunteered to join the calling club.

Club Chairman

Ken Coyle asked the Club to commence looking for a new chair. While Ken remains active in Scouting he is a Rover adviser and not a Scout Leader. He suggested that next year's chairman be a Scout leader.

October 6, 2008
Maintaining and Promoting the NW Scouters' Club

The group had a Pentagon-style discussion on how to better market the Club to North Waterloo Scouters. This discussion came out of the agenda item dealing with callers for the meetings. While a lot of members have email, there is better meeting turnout when there is a call-around first. We need to do a telemarketing-type campaign to call everyone on the phone list to remind them about the Club, the reasons for its existence, and the activities are provided. This would be likened to a selling day for the club or a recruitment drive. The Club would organize a phone blitz where Club members would call all the local Scouters. Scouter Ted will contact Tony Skells regarding the phone blitz.

All Scouters are urged to check the Club Directory to ensure it is up to date. Please refer to his email on how to access the listing through the Web.

January 15, 2008
Callers for Meetings

Ken asked if the members were getting called about the meeting. Everyone said they were. Our thanks go out to Tony Skells and Beverley Wood for making the calls.

October 15, 2007
Club Officer Elections

Elections for Club officers were held.

December 7, 2006
Scouter Viet Truong

We will have to bid farewell to Scouter Viet. He has been accepted at law school in Australia. This is what he gets for hanging around with Scouter Ted. Good luck and good Scouting to Scouter Viet.

November 1, 2006
Club Volunteers

Mike Smith was prepared to stand for the position of Chair. By consensus of the members, he has been elected as Chair of the NW Scouters' Club.

September 26, 2006
Club Volunteers

The NW Scouters' Club is in need of a Chair. The primary responsibilities of this person are to prepare the agendas for meetings, moderate the discussion at meetings, and ensure that someone takes the minutes. Please contact Liam if you are interested or if you know someone who might be interested.

The website will continue to be maintained by Liam.

June 13, 2006
Organizational Issues

Scouters discussed how the Club should be organized and how to fill the various roles. Ted suggested a structure which is intended to increase the sharing of leadership in the Club. This structure includes a President, Treasurer, and Secretary who serve for one-year terms, and a Meeting Chair, Meeting Secretary, Refreshments Convener, Pentagon Organization, and Event Discussion Coordinator which rotate for each meeting.

The next Club meeting will be at the 3Rs Scouters' Social on September 26. At that time, a decision will be made about how to structure the Club and who will fill the various roles. Liam indicated that he intends to retire as Chair.

June 14, 2005
Club Volunteers for Next Year

Liam described the volunteer roles that have emerged as necessary to keep the Club functioning well. The roles are:
Prepares and distributes agendas for meetings. Moderates the discussion at meetings.
Takes and writes up minutes of the meetings.
Calling Coordinator
Ensures that interested people receive a telephone reminder before meetings.
Maintains the Club web site.

For each position, there was just one nomination:

May 10, 2005
Meetings for Next Year

Scouters discussed when to hold Club meetings during 2005/06. Liam pointed out that some Scouters at troops that meet on Tuesdays were upset that all the meetings this year had been on their meeting night. After a discussion, it was agreed that meetings would be held on September 27 following the 3Rs Potluck and on the second Tuesdays of October, January, March, May, and June.

June 9, 2004
Future Meetings

Scouters discussed the best time to hold Club meetings. It was observed that the fewest number of troops meet on Tuesday. Meetings where scheduled for September 14, October 19, and January 11. Time will remain 18:45 gathering for 19:00 start.

November 4, 2003
Club Name

The discussion turned on the confusion that is evident in the names of the NW Scouters' Club and the North Waterloo Area Scouters' Club. The WARTS Waterloo ARea Troop Scouters (WARTS) was given thumbs down. "Skippers" and "Troopers" were suggested. The consensus was that "NW Troopers" be proposed as the new name. Final decision will wait for a meeting with greater participation.

June 19, 2001
NWSC Bulletin Board

Ted suggested that the Club place a bulletin board at NWD Scouthouse. Scouters discussed what would go on the board and agreed that the content should change often to maintain interest and should be more pictures than text. The Club decided to post an events calendar, contact information, photos of recent events, and information cards which can be taken home by board readers. Disposable cameras could be given to each patrol at Club events allowing them to provide the photos for the bulletin board. These cameras can be bought in bulk at Price Club.

November 9, 2000
What is a Scouters’ Club?

Liam described by purpose and nature of a Scouters' Club. The name of the club and its charter was agreed upon as follows: "The NW Scouters' Club is a co-operative of Scout Troops. Representatives of member Scout Troops gather to share ideas and experience, plan joint activities, and pursue other projects of mutual benefit." Liam provided background information on what it means for an association to be defined as a co-operative. A co-operative is a democratic association where people come together to co-operate to meet common objectives. More information is available from the International Co-operative Alliance.

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