The NW Scouters' Club is a co-operative of Scout Troops. Representatives of member Scout Troops gather to share ideas and experience, plan joint activities, and pursue other projects of mutual benefit.
Ed Spike.
Scouters suggested that money could be saved by using a church hall rather then Victoria Park, which cost $160. A speaker system would have been helpful. Lloyd indicated he could provide one. The attendees appreciated the BBQ. Sixty sausages were sold. There were about 80 people in attendance.
KW Surplus and TSC gave a 10% off on items purchased for the auction. A&W provided a discount on the root beer. The Canadian Tire likes to have a letter requesting donations. It is best to deliver it in person. Their Weber Street Store in Waterloo gave $50.
Communication with the Groups is a problem. Scouters need to learn about the website and that the information is all there.
The Club scheduled next year's Camporee for May 27-29, 2005. Scouter Ted has already booked Camp Everton. Everyone should think about the theme for next year's Camporee.
Following the training will be a BBQ social for Scouters.
Scouters discussed the importance of Cub to Scout linking activities. It is important to coordinate joint activities with the Pack Scouters. The Club could be involved as well, for example, by inviting senior Cubs to the Camporee or other activity. Scouters should be particularly concerned about groups that do not have a Scout Troop and arrange for linking events with an appropriate troop.
A Scouts Canada, Central Canada Jamboree with a Wild West theme is planned for July 3-9, 2005 at Tamaracouta Scout Reserve, Mille Isles, Quebec. Currently, the web site provides little information.
Scouters Ted and Liam are on a committee which is coordinating a commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the 1955 World Scout Jamboree. Contact them for details.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.