Camporee Committee

Attendance: Tony Skells, Wayne Zinger, Ed Wright, Ted Claxton, Harry Niezen, Amber Schlienert, Beth Montgomery, Diane Furlong.

The meeting opened at 19:00. The meeting was spent reviewing the last minute preparations, making sure that all activities were covered, and placing activities on locations. Extra prizes will be bought for the auction. One bid per patrol. Prizes will be given out for the best campsite and theme, and for the patrol winning the cook-off. Sites will be designated and placed by patrol name on a large map outside Lions Lodge. Diane will supply lights for the saloon. Ken Coyle will provide the generator to be used for the silkscreening and karaoke machine at the activity centre. There will be no traffic on the roadway. There will be a Scouters' Club meeting after the Scouters' meeting on Saturday evening to discuss the Camporee for 2005. The meeting closed at 20:30.

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