The NW Scouters' Club is a co-operative of Scout Troops. Representatives of member Scout Troops gather to share ideas and experience, plan joint activities, and pursue other projects of mutual benefit.
John McCuish.
Pierre Michiels.
The group generally agreed on the Elora route. Dean will investigate camping.
Scouters are encouraged to discuss themes with their troops. Program ideas include a dress-up night and a talent show. Brian Robertson has offered to run the climbing wall and rappelling. Last year's fees were $16 until May 1 and $20 after. There is a $700 balance from past camporees. Camp Everton is booked.
Jim spoke about the appeal process for the sale of Camp Mohawk. Jim would like from every group a record of past and planned use of the camp. Documentation of the usefulness of the camp is essential to show Scouts Canada that the property is valuable. Jim said that he believes that camps which are economically viable, safe, and in use for the youth will not be sold.
Central Escarpment Council is holding a crest design contest. The stated goal is to get a new crest which better represents the larger geographical area now covered by the council. Contact Jim for information.
—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.