- 11th Kitchener Scout Troop
- Kirsten Abrahamson
- Ted Claxton
- Rob MacDonald, Chair
- 43rd Kitchener Scout Troop
- Daniel Sheppard
- 1st Maryhill Scout Troop
- Phil Dick
- 21st Waterloo Scout Troop
- Liam Morland
- Ken Coyle
- Gary Johnson, 14th Waterloo Scout Troop
- John Gilhuly, 14th Waterloo Scout Troop
- Carole Wilkinson, 1st Elmira Scout Troop
- Anne MacDonald, 1st Waterloo Scout Troop
Minutes of September 11 Meeting Adopted: Motion by Phil Dick/Ted
We are exploring the possibility of implementing a Google calendar on
the NWSC web site, similar to the one now up and running on the NW web
site. The idea is to facilitate planning amongst NW Troops, such as
joint camping ventures, etc. Look forward to further information on this
On Friday evening, 11th Kitchener and 1st Maryhill were camping at
Mohawk. Terry Warner (9th Waterloo) was the only other Scouter who came
out for the NWSC campfire and pot luck. We need to have a better plan
for this event. On Saturday we had 20 youth in attendance. There were
sufficient senior Scouts to have one move with each group and one to
help at each station. The program ran smoothly and on time.
Settled on November 14. This will be an in-town hike that will start and
end at Camp Mohawk. Route: Circle along Bloomingdale, to the Grand
Valley Trail across to Hwy 7 and back to Mohawk along the Walter Bean
Trail. Ted to send information.
Dan Sheppard, Liam Morland, Ted Claxton, and Rob MacDonald to attend
meeting with the Optimist Club regarding facility use on November 10.
Will be held at the Heidelberg Optimist facility. Club members who want
to participate should let Liam Morland know so that he can arrange the
program participants. Registration documentation will be on the Website.
- Owen Sound Winter Camp: January 29-31
- Winter Hike: Saturday, February 20. Route to be determined
- Spring Camporee: May 28-30
- March Break 2010 to New York City, camping on Staten Island Scout
Camp Contact Liam Morland of 21st Waterloo for information if your group
would like to participate. Fee approximately $250.
- Christmas Camp at Everton, Lions Lodge with 11th Kitchener: December
28-30. Contact Scouter Ted Claxton if your group would like to share the
- Welland Canal Bike Hike, 21st Waterloo June 4-6 or 11-13. If interested
contact Liam Morland.
- Great Lakes Jambo: July 10-17. 11th Kitchener and 1st Maryhill are
Motion for Adjournment 20:30. Phil Dick, 2nd Kirsten Abrahamson Meeting
Adjourned. Next Meeting Date to be announced.