
11th Kitchener Scout Troop
Robert MacDonald
30th Kitchener Scout Troop
Steve Freure
38th Kitchener Scout Troop
Bill Yurkiw
43rd Kitchener Scout Troop
Daniel Sheppard
9th Waterloo Scout Troop
Terry Warner
21st Waterloo Scout Troop
Liam Morland
Resource Persons
Bruce Boehmer, SC NWA DAC-Program
Tony Skells, SC NWA Troop Section Service Team



Motion to accept previous meeting minutes approved.

Fall Hike — November 14, 2009

Disappointing turn-out. Only 11th Kitchener attended.

Patrol Leadership Workshop — November 27-29, 2009

Winter Hike — Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday of B-P week may conflict with an all-district Venturers / Rovers Camp at Everton. Suggestion; the hike be an afternoon activity only. Action; none, info only pending contact of organizer(s) of V/R Camp. Action: Rob to contact Andrew Wyszynski for possible combined hike/scavenger hunt

North Waterloo Camporee — May 28–30, 2010

Organizational Issues

Proposal for Scouters' Club Meeting Dates

Consensus that forward-planned dates by week is most convenient. Accept: Proposed Meeting and Event Schedule for North Waterloo Scouters' Club pending below Action. Action: Rob to review September and January dates for conflict with holidays and to revise schedule table to include exception statement.

NW Scouters' Club General Discussions


Next meeting scheduled for March 2, 2010.
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