Proposal for Scouters' Club Meeting Dates
Consensus that forward-planned dates by week is most convenient. Accept: Proposed Meeting and Event Schedule for North Waterloo Scouters' Club pending below Action. Action: Rob to review September and January dates for conflict with
holidays and to revise schedule table to include exception statement.
NW Scouters' Club General Discussions
- 10th Anniversary
- Mandate Review necessary: Critical review required as to purpose and whether needs are being met. Mission Statement?
- Rob outlined the results of his analysis of group participation in NWSC. Over the last 10 years and 43 NWSC meetings, out of 26 Troops attending (only 16 of which are currently active), one Troop had perfect attendance, one Troop was represented 74% of the time, one Troop (now defunct) was represented 51% of the time, seven Troops were represented between 25% and 50% of the time, and 16 Troops were represented between 0% and 25% of the time.
- Suggested reasons for apparent NWSC ineffectiveness include:
- NWSC not fulfilling a need
- NWSC fulfilling a need, but not all Troops pulling their weight
- Some combo of #1 and #2
- NW Scouters' Club has evolved into handling all NW-wide, Troop-level events whereas individual groups handled events in past years.
- Goal is to pool time and energy from all groups.
- Concern is that a small limited number of people are handling the majority of work for events which can lead to burn-out.
- Discussion suggested that, in addition to these functions, the NWSC should additionally provide an educational and social outlet; it must provide "attendance value" to attendees to survive and thrive.
- Suggestions to promote this included: motivational speakers, presenters, ice-breakers to take back to Troop.
- Rob will strike a committee to review the NWSC mandate, develop a new 5 year plan, and solicit suggestions from all Troops for What NWSC can do for you?, via survey and phone call, personal drop-in.