January 27, 2010
Winter Hike — Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday of B-P week may conflict with an all-district Venturers / Rovers Camp at Everton. Suggestion; the hike be an afternoon activity only. Action; none, info only pending contact of organizer(s) of V/R Camp. Action: Rob to contact Andrew Wyszynski for possible combined hike/scavenger hunt

February 11, 2009
Winter Hike — Saturday, February 21, 2009

January 6, 2009
Winter Hike — Saturday, February 21, 2009

October 6, 2008
Winter Hike — Saturday, February 21, 2009

We discussed various local hikes we could do. Plan is for the hike to last approximately six hours. We will determine the hiking trail at our next meeting.

August 26, 2008
B-P Day Hike — February 21, 2009

Discussion centred on having this hike somewhere around the Camp Mohawk area. A discussion will be made at a later meeting as to route and time.

January 15, 2008
Winter Hike — February 23, 2008

Shelley told the group about a winter hike that their group was planning and asked if anyone wanted to attend. The group felt this was an excellent idea.

The hike is planned for Saturday, February 23. The starting point will be at RIM Park parking lot. The route will follow the Walter Bean Trail to Camp Mohawk; approximately 11 km. In winter conditions and including a lunch stop, the hike will be about 5.5 hours. The group will have a fire and wide game at Camp Mohawk. The walk out to the hotel parking lot will add another 1 km to the hike.

Meet at RIM Park parking lot. The Trail sign is on side of the parking lot furthest away from University Ave.

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