
1st Elmira Scout Troop
Jim Wilkinson
11th Kitchener Scout Troop
Rob MacDonald
1st Maryhill Scout Troop
Phil Dick
9th Waterloo Scout Troop
John Bain
21st Waterloo Scout Troop
Liam Morland
Resource Persons
Ken Coyle, 69th Kitchener Rovers



Ken Coyle opened and chaired the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Owen Sound Winter Camp — January 30 to February 1, 2009

Winter Hike — Saturday, February 21, 2009

75th Anniversary Camporee — May 29–31, 2009

Boating Resources


Phil Dick, 1st Maryhill, enquired if any groups are interested in canoe training.


1st Elmira went to Conestoga sailing club for a weekend last year. For a fee the club provided sailing instructors and small sailboats for the weekend. Please contact Jim if you have any questions.

Club Chair

Rob MacDonald of 11th Kitchener volunteered to succeed Ken as Club Chair and was so elected.


The meeting was adjourned at 20:45. The next meetings will be Thursday, April 16, 2009 (NW75), and Monday, June 8 (Spring Thaw, 18:30 potluck and campfire). Other meeting of interest: Thursday, March 5: 75th Anniversary Committee.

—Minutes prepared by John Bain

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