The NW Scouters' Club is a co-operative of Scout Troops. Representatives of member Scout Troops gather to share ideas and experience, plan joint activities, and pursue other projects of mutual benefit.
The plan is to have everyone called before Club meetings. Currently there are three callers and we are looking for a fourth. Phil Dick, 1st Maryhill volunteered to join the calling club.
Ken Coyle asked the Club to commence looking for a new chair. While Ken remains active in Scouting he is a Rover adviser and not a Scout Leader. He suggested that next year's chairman be a Scout leader.
Ted is off to ScotiaJam this summer and will not be able to organize the Everton Summer Camp as he has done in the past. The camp averages fifteen youth over the past few years. Need a new organizer. Ted can assist. Al Horner and John McCuish assisted in the past. Ann MacDonald has retired as food organizer. Please contact Ted if you wish to organize this summers camp.
Many Troops attend Haliburton Scout Reserve and can take additional youth and leaders along to fill up the large sites. If you have additional space or are looking to link up with a Troop please bring up at our meetings.
Liam pointed out that the important thing is that troops have summer camps, not that any particular campsite, such as Everton, is used to hold a summer camp.
Scouter Ted has a set of leather working tools. Troops looking to borrow them should contact him.
John Mathers asked if the Club would consider acquiring GPS units that groups could sign out. They could be kept at the Scout Shop. He suggested that troops chip in some money to acquire them. Ken Coyle knows the name of someone with units who may attend your meeting for a training/usage session etc. Liam suggested contacting 21st Waterloo's Akela, Mike Onotsky, who is a qualified GPS instructor and has access to a set of units.
—Minutes prepared by John Bain