Scouters discussed the Patrol Leaders' Workshop. Some Scouters felt that
Patrol Leaders should know how to cook and should cook their own food in
patrols at the course. Others felt that the course should focus only on
leadership skills and that the food should be catered as in the past.
Scouters suggested that sessions on conflict resolution and trust
building would be good additions to the course. The group recognised
that training the PLs is far more effective if the Scouters are also
trained in how to make use of their PLs, such as by using the Court of
Honour. Scouters agreed to work towards holding the PL Workshop
concurrent with Woodbadge training courses in the future. Training for
Scouters could also take place in a afternoon workshop or at Club
Scouters decided to ask Pierre Michiels to coordinate a PL workshop
for November 7-9, 2003, with catered food. Scouters would like the full
curriculum published on the web.