
8th Kitchener Scout Troop
Rod Beattie.
11th Kitchener Scout Troop
Ted Claxton.
31st Kitchener Scout Troop
Mike Smith.
Dana Wolfe.
43rd Kitchener Scout Troop
Daniel Sheppard.
4th Waterloo Scout Troop
Ken Arnett.
5th Waterloo Scout Troop
Tony Poduch.
21st Waterloo Scout Troop
Liam Morland.
Resource Person
Tony Skells, Scouter-at-Large.
Ruth Millard, DAC-Volunteers, NWA.


The meeting opened at 15:45, following the plenary.

NWSC Spring Camporee — May 28-30, 2004

Tony reported on the wrap-up meeting for the 2003 NWSC Spring Camporee. Wayne Zinger and Ed Wright have volunteered to help coordinate the 2004 Camporee. The camporee is scheduled for the traditional weekend after Victoria Day Weekend, May 28-30, 2004.

First Aid Course

Mike spoke of the first aid courses that they have run for Scouts in the past. Their Red Cross Standard First Aid course takes a full weekend, Friday night to Sunday. The $80 cost includes the Red Cross' first aid manual. Mike can run courses for Scouts and Scouters when there is sufficient interest.

NWSC Patrol Leaders' Workshop — November 7-9, 2003

Scouters discussed the Patrol Leaders' Workshop. Some Scouters felt that Patrol Leaders should know how to cook and should cook their own food in patrols at the course. Others felt that the course should focus only on leadership skills and that the food should be catered as in the past. Scouters suggested that sessions on conflict resolution and trust building would be good additions to the course. The group recognised that training the PLs is far more effective if the Scouters are also trained in how to make use of their PLs, such as by using the Court of Honour. Scouters agreed to work towards holding the PL Workshop concurrent with Woodbadge training courses in the future. Training for Scouters could also take place in a afternoon workshop or at Club meetings.

Scouters decided to ask Pierre Michiels to coordinate a PL workshop for November 7-9, 2003, with catered food. Scouters would like the full curriculum published on the web.

NWSC Fall Hike — November 21-23, 2003

Scouters discussed several possibilities for the fall hike and agreed to do a 16 km route from Camp Barber to Blue Springs Scout Reserve. Troops will camp Friday night at Camp Barber near Guelph. Camp opening will be Saturday morning at 09:00 (troops may also arrive at this time). Troops will hike to Blue Springs, optionally shuttling some or all of their gear. Details of the program will be planned at the next meeting.

Owen Sound Winter Camp — January 30 to February 1, 2004

Scouters were interested in returning this year to the Owen Sound Winter Camp, January 30 to February 1, 2004. Scouters agreed it would be a good idea for the Club to help troops prepare for the camp.


The meeting was closed at 16:30. Everyone went outside to enjoy the weather, eat some hotdogs, and socialise.

—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton and Liam Morland.

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