
11th Kitchener Scout Troop
Ted Claxton
10th Waterloo Scout Troop
Mike Smith
21st Waterloo Scout Troop
Liam Morland
Resource Persons
Ken Coyle, 69th Kitchener Rovers
Nick Ebner, Scouter-at-Large
Pierre Michiels, Scouter-at-Large
Tony Skells, Campmaster


Mike opened the meeting at 19:05.

North Waterloo Camporee — May 27-29, 2007

The Saturday morning program will be Building Fort Mafeking, a participatory activity where each patrol will build one section of the fort using pioneering skills.

Afternoon program:

Cook off: In view of the B-P's 150th Birthday theme, the cook-off will be a cake decorating contest. Each troop is to bring a plain cake and decorating items. Design and presentation to be the criteria. After the campfire will be cake eating. For decorating, icing syringes can be found at the dollar store.

A wide game plan is still needed.


The Camporee is a club event. Its success depends on each troop taking responsibility for a part. Come to the next Scouters' Club meeting to register your troop and to volunteer for part of the event.

[A Post-meeting idea from Scouter Ted: An idea for this, the Siege of Mafeking. We could get out the trebuchet and have it fire about 10 paper wrapped flour bombs at the Fort at a time and have patrols of "sharpshooters" go out from the "Fort" to throw flour wrapped bombs at the Scouts who are operating the trebuchet. It might work with water balloons also.]


The meeting was adjourned at 20:50. The next meeting will be Thursday, May 17, 2007 at North Waterloo Scout House at 19:00. Tony and Nick will do a phone-around in advance.

—Minutes prepared by Ted Claxton

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